icloud photo stream delete photos

How to clear space in your iCloud storage – USATODAY.com.
Mar 27, 2013. From an iOS device. Open Photos on your device, then tap Photo Stream. Tap the shared photo stream you want to delete photos from.
Apple - iCloud - New photos on all your devices.
icloud photo stream delete photos
iCloud photostream and regular photo duplicates way too much space.iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ - Support - Apple.
Nov 29, 2012. The new Photo Stream button may not display, and the Shared Photo Stream folder may. iCloud: How to delete photos from Photo Stream.
Aug 30, 2012. I really think a lot of people have the wrong idea of a number of Icloud services. Photostream is really meant to sync the last 1000 photos to all.
. photos, then the photo stream section with the exact same 700 photos. Why does it do this? Can I set it somehow sync to iCloud then delete?
Jan 22, 2013. HT4890 if I delete photos from Icloud are they then on photo stream and what if I want otthers to view the photos. 112 Views 1 Reply Latest.
I looked into iCloud and it seems like it only backsup the photostream to icloud ( which I believe is like the last 30 days worth of pics.not all of.
iCloud: Photo Stream, Windows Vista, and iCloud Control Panel for.
Feb 23, 2012. Here's how to delete photos from iCloud Photo Stream. No need to wait 30 days for that pesky photograph you don't want to expire from iCoud!
Apr 21, 2013. Re: Delete single photos in photostream. Nov 1, 2011 5:28 AM. iCloud is a great idea as is Photostream but surely there is a simple solution!
How to create and manage shared Photo Streams on iPhone and.
Apple - iCloud - New photos on all your devices.
icloud photo stream delete photos
HT4890 if I delete photos from Icloud.: Apple Support Communities.
http://www.mrdocrock.com - So for the biggest iOS 5 and iCloud question is "How do I delete photos i don't want from my photostream. Here is how you do it.
Mar 27, 2013. iCloud: Add and remove photo stream subscribers. You can add more subscribers and remove subscribers from shared photo streams you own.