connecticut lottery lucky 4 life payout

Win for Life, 17th Edition - CT Lottery Official Web Site - Scratch.
CT Lottery Official Web Site - How to Claim a Prize.
CT Lottery Official Web Site - Powerball.
CT Lottery Official Web Site - News.
LOTTO! WINNING NUMBERS. More NEWS. Default Games Banner. LOTTO! Draw Date, Winning Numbers, Payouts. 6/4/2013, 1 - 2 - 6 - 11 - 24 - 41. View.
4. Bar Chart Image. 116. 5. Bar Chart Image. 133. 6. Bar Chart Image. 126. 7 .. Payout Button. June 1. Lucky For Life Logo. Connecticut Lottery Corporation.
(See Prize Payout Table Below); If you can't decide which numbers to play, let the computer pick them for you. Just ask for a Powerball® Quick Pick. 5 white balls.
February 15, 1972: The Connecticut State Lottery begins ticket sales at 3,000. 2009: Kenneth Blount, III becomes “Lucky-4-Life's” first $2,000 a week for life top . Payout Button. 4-7-4. Night Image. Play3 Logo. June 5, 2013. Payout Button. - Lottery Winning Strategies,california lottery,florida lottery, texas. Connecticut (CT) Lucky-4-Life Past 30 Day Winning Numbers. Connecticut Lucky-4-Life Prizes and Winning Odds, wheeling system, payout, frequency.
Mar 4, 2012. Connecticut's “Lucky 4 Life” $2.00 drawing will have its final drawing on March 8th. The $2.00 game will be replaced with a new six-state lottery.
connecticut lottery lucky 4 life payout
“Lucky 4 Life” Draw Game soon to become - Lotto Scratch Games.
. $5 $10 $20 $30. Click on the ticket thumbnails for more detailed game information.. Top Prize: $5,000 A Month for Life (4). Connecticut Lottery Corporation.
Maine State Lottery: Lucky for Life.
New England starting lottery with 'for life' prize |
Mar 10, 2012. Anne Noble, president and CEO of the Connecticut Lottery Corporation. " Massachusetts has topped out on its high payouts," she said.. Massachusetts Lottery Commission, said he believes the Lucky for Life concept will.
Visit Lottery today and get lottery results for mega millions lottery, powerball lottery and national. Check the Payout Chart below for wager and win amounts.
Connecticut (CT) Lucky-4-Life latest winning numbers, plus drawing schedule and past lottery results.
CT Lottery Official Web Site - Videos - ALL.
Visit Lottery today and get lottery results for mega millions lottery, powerball lottery and national lottery winning numbers.. See the Payout Chart below for wager and win amounts.. CONNECTICUT LOTTERY GAMES Lucky For Life Rules.
The six New England Lotteries have joined together to offer their players a great new. Lucky for Life is only available in the 6 New England states: Connecticut.
Jun 1, 2012. The CT Lottery is excited to once again offer Play3 players the. Lucky For Life Logo. June 1, 2013. Payout Button. 0-3-4. Day Image. May 31.
Check the Payout Chart below for wager and win amounts. You can wager 50¢ to . CONNECTICUT LOTTERY GAMES Lucky For Life Rules · Mid-Day 3 Rules.